Hanging Picture Mural

This is one of my most recent projects... it was a blast looking through pictures and finding the perfect fits... from dogs, to family, scenery, and marriage... it's all life and it's all a blast!

It was easy and cheap! Months ago I found a old window on the side of the road... obviously I pulled over and snatched it... Well the dilemma came when I didn't know what to do with it... then viola I saw a picture of something to this affect I made a couple tweaks and then made it my own!

Here we go...

First... find a old window or picture frame... you can find them at your local thrift store or humanity resale store.

Secondly... (this was my favorite part), look through and find apx. 20 pics (this will be determined by the size of the frame or window)

Thirdly, if desired polarize your pics... you can do this so easily here and for free!

Fourth... go to your local convenient store and print your pictures off. It might run you anywhere from $10-$12.

Fifth... look in your drawers and you should be able to find some type of string or ribbon (I used ribbon). Evenly place the ribbon across the frame, spacing enough for pictures to hang well.

Sixth... Use clips or Clothes pins, as I did, to clip your pictures to the frame.

Total for Project:

Apx: $15

You now have your own personalized and memorable hanging mural... congratulations!

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